Back issues of Compliance & Risk Journal
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November/December 2012 Volume 1, Issue 6
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News Items
- Mistaken customer funds transfer costs Prudential £50k
- Ryanair’s bid to acquire Aer Lingus looks unlikely to fly
- Partners denied protection for whistleblowing
- Lawyers’ last chancer
- US regulators threaten $470m fine for Barclays
- SFO toughens stance on bribery
- Social media and compliance Part 2: Employment law - managing the risks - Melanie Lane, Catherine Taylor and Libby Payne, Olswang LLP
- Freedom of information from a commercial perspective Part 3: Commercially sensitive information - Helen Rose & Scott Allardyce, Bristows
- Health & safety compliance: Fees for intervention - John Gollaglee, DLA Piper
- Regulatory compliance for solicitors Part 2: Compliance planning - Jonathon Bray, Jonathon Bray Legal Services
August/September 2012 Volume 1, Issue 5
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News Items
- US anti-corruption measures target foreign companies
- Reward of $104m for former UBS banker who blew the whistle on fraud
- New Money Laundering Regulations
- ABI sets up rogues register
- On-the-spot fines for the legal profession?
- EMI gets regulators’ ok to go Universal
- Social media and compliance Part 1: Managing the risk - Ashley Hurst and Jack Gilbert, Olswang LLP
- Corporate manslaughter: Could your business be found guilty? - John Gollaglee, DLA Piper
- Freedom of information from a commercial perspective Part 2: Confidential information - Helen Rose and Scott Allardyce, Bristows
- Regulatory compliance for solicitors Part 1: the key regulatory themes - Jonathon Bray, Compliance Specialist
July/August 2012 Volume 1, Issue 4
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News Items
- New greenhouse gas reporting regime sweeps UK
- European governments reach agreement on US tax compliance laws
- Six guilty in UK insider dealing ring
- Ex-Anglo Irish executives charged in fraud investigation
- Pfizer bribery ‘entwined’ in their sales culture
- FSA warns of bogus regulators
- Anticorruption due diligence on existing third parties: dealing with resistance - Vivian Robinson QC and Rose Parlane, McGuireWoods London LLP
- New rules on packaged retail - Peter Green, Partner at Morrison & Foerster
- Freedom of information from a commercial perspective - Part 1 - Helen Rose, Bristows
- Tackling data protection in the cloud - Colin Rooney, Arthur Cox
May/June 2012 Volume 1, Issue 3
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News Items
- Stricter rules on information offered to private investors
- Barclays slammed with a record £290m
- FSA secures redress for SMEs hit by mis-selling
- Met licensing crackdown
- Swiss probe former Gunvor employee
- FSA consults on changes to platforms market
- Deferred Prosecution Agreements in the UK - Vivian Robinson QC and Rose Parlane, McGuireWoods London LLP
- International data transfers under the proposed Data Protection Regulation - Nick Parker, Allen & Overy LLP
- Data security — factors leading to compromise and ways to promote best practices - Richard Hollis, Risk Factory
March/April 2012 Volume 1, Issue 2
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News Items
- UK to get 'Deferred Prosecution Agreements'
- Organisations still failing to comply with cookie rules
- Government establishes health and safety 'myth squad'
- Groupon given deadline to improve
- Ofgem omposes largest ever fine on EDF Energy
- Credit broker Yes Loans stripped of licence
- The UK Bribery Act - one year on - Anil Rajani, IBB Solicitors
- How to go about assessing the business practices of investee companies - a guide - Barry Vitou & Stacy Keen, Pinsent Masons LLP
- Selling - not mis-selling - Keith Read, LRN
- Whistleblowing regimes Part 2 - the policy - Caroline Stroud, Freshfields, Bruckhaus Deringer LLP